Thursday, April 28, 2005

Well, I am pissed off. The Giants have lost their closer again. Robb Nen was injured for the last two years of his career with the Giants and the money we had to pay him to fulfill his contract meant that we could'nt go out and get another closer. His contract was finally up after last season, we finally had money to go out and get a new closer, we went out and got the best closer on the market in Armando Benitez... and now he is injured and out for 4 months.

How did he injure himself? Running to first base to cover the bag on the final play of the game on Tuesday night. He didn't injure himself in the actual action of covering the bag, but he injured himself while running to the bag. Just simply running, he tore his hamstring. "The tear is complete with two of the three tendons that attach to his pelvis." Just freaking running. Unbelievable.

I would think that professional ball players would have some sort of daily routine to keep themselves in shape and healthy. But watching Benitez run was like watching an ox whom had just been shot with a tranquilizer, so my assumption is obviously wrong.

Now we get to have another closer-by-commitee season, and we know how well that turned out last year. And with Bonds still gone... don't even get me started. It's going to be a long season... and not in the long-ball department that's for sure.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Last night I bowled: 178, 162, 146

This was the last night of the season; games don't count toward season standings, and average is not affected (thank goodness, cause I didn't do so hot). So I ended with a 173 average, I'll take that! Wanna go bowling?

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The Audi A3 might have to be my next car!
These street paintings are mind blowing!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Lisa and I went to see Brad Sherwood and Colin Mochrie at the Flint Center last night. Both are from Whose Line Is It Anyway? They performed some of the skits that you see on the show, and Brad Sherwood continues to impress me with his quick wit and genius. We saw him at The Improv for my birthday a couple years ago, and I even got to go on stage with him during one of the skits. It's all un-scripted and every skit has audience participation, so it's a great experience in which I highly recommend.

"While wearing a pointed sorcerers hat, a trenchcoat, and hockey pads, I smuggled an illegal moose into the country from Canada, put a twinkie under my hat, and mutated Laura's hamster into a tiger, in Portola Valley, while at the Poop & Scoop Slime Reduction and Caber Sales, and left behind a talking jaguar."

Friday, April 22, 2005

Will Arnett, Gob from Arrested Development, is going to star in his own comedy movie. Apparently the people behind AD are also behind this movie, and that means good things! I will watch anything they produce, just like I would watch anything with Vince Vaughn.
They arrested the woman in the Wendy's "finger in the chili" case. I totally think she did it, and her past history of claims against employers and restaurants does not help her case. Sucks for Wendy's, they have had to lay people off and cut back on hours because of this whole scandal.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Pizza Cutters As Art! I want one!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Last night I bowled: 151, 217, 200
Average is now: 173

Monday, April 18, 2005

Gorgeous, in Tahoe

Click here for more pics...
Spent the weekend in beautiful Lake Tahoe, with Lisa and her parents. The weather was perfect and there weren't too many people there... surprisingly. There is still some snow on the ground, and Heavenly was running, although I don't expect that to last much longer as the snow is melting quickly.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Next version of Apple's OSX to be called Liger? :P

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Counterfeit Mini Cooper's are on the rise! Protect yourself; watch this video and get the facts here.

Update: If you have a problem with the video, go here and click the Public Service Announcement link.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Last night I bowled (suckily): 158, 142, 150
Average is now: 172
Quoted: "That's the best theory going right now... You have to keep running on the treadmill of evolution or you fall off. The germs are mutating like a son of a gun, but with sex you can derive these crazy new gene combos that lock them out. Beat that!"

- Bill Nye the Science Guy, when asked by Wired about the "Evolution of Sex" episode of his new TV show. In it he says "The main function of sex is to keep germs and parasites at bay."

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

"What are you drawing?"
"A Liger."
"What's a liger?"
"It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic."

Sunday, April 10, 2005


Click here for more pics...
Went to another Giants game today. What a gorgeous day it was! Giants scorched the Rockies and the sun scorched me. Lisa and I got to take my parents this time, their first day-game in seats other than the bleachers. Click on the pic for more photos that my dad took at the game...

Finals: San Francisco 11, Colorado 4

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Quoted: "Any matter, at any time? Enron, Halliburton, WMDs, Abu Ghraib, and you went with ... baseball. Way to go." - The Daily Show's Jon Stewart responding to Rep. Tom DeLay's contention that Rule 10, clause 4C gives Congress the right to hold a hearing on any matter at any time.
Last night I bowled: 212, 148, 233
Average is now: 173
If I was asked the questionnaire invented by Marcel Proust, refined by Bernard Pivot, and renewed by James Lipton... these would be my answers as of right now:

Q. What is your favorite word?
A. Heaven. Moreso as a measurement, rather than a location.

Q. What is your least favorite word?
A. Death

Q. What turns you on, excites, or inspires you creatively, spiritually, or emotionally?
A. True love (Puke, I know... but it's true)

Q. What turns you off?
A. Ignorance.

Q. What sound or noise do you love?
A. Anything to do with music.

Q. What sound or noise do you hate?
A. Alarm clock.

Q. What is your favorite curse word?
A. That would have to be the F-bomb. It's universal, and a classic. (Sorry mom!)

Q. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
A. There are so many; Architect, Artist, Baseball Player, Historian, Musician, Scientist... Retiree. I fear there is just not enough time.

Q. What profession would you absolutely not like to participate in?
A. I would not like to work in the food industry. I despise avocadoes and everything they stand for!

Q. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
A. I hope you are pleased that you got to live your life to it's fullest... now leave the rest up to me.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

It's opening day, Giants fans! I'm looking forward to this season, in hopes to have my passion for the sport re-kindled after an entire off-season devoted to steroids scandals. Of course Barry is injured, but I think we have a good team even with him not in the lineup. And we'll have a killer team once he is back. So lets go Gigantes! Alouuuuuuuu!!

Update... Finals: San Francisco 4, Los Angeles 2

Monday, April 04, 2005

Vegas baby, Vegas!

Click here for more pics...
I went to vegas over the weekend with Bryan, Ed, & John. We laughed, almost cried, and certainly had a moment... which is what's supposed to happen when you go to Vegas, right? Highlights: seeing Carl Cox @ ICE, John and I winning at Craps. Lowlights: getting hit in the head with a beer bottle while seeing Carl Cox @ ICE, John and I losing money at Roulette. Overall was a good trip. Here is a little video (.mpg, 10.9mb) from Carl Cox @ ICE, about the same length of time that I got to see the guy. Are you reeeeeeeeady!