Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Blog is moving here: sonburnt.com/blog. Things will be funky in the meantime. :/

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

This is just freaky... real-life re-animation. Researchers are killing dogs and then bringing them back to life. Read more...

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Nissan Eliminating Blind Spots. "Cameras mounted at the front and rear and on both sides take pictures of the surrounding road surface, which are synthesized by an image processing technique into one view that is shown on a central display. The system is especially helpful when parking, enabling the driver to steer easily and precisely into a parking space..." and pulling into the back of a semi-truck at top speeds while dispencing oil slicks and smoke screens! Straight up Spy Hunter!!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Friday, June 17, 2005

Green gummy bears are lame. They make me want to puke, they taste so horrible. Just get rid of them already, and take those gross yellow ones too. Just give me a pack of red gummy bears, with the occasional clear and maybe orange, and I will be happy.

Is it me, or does it seem this color scheme/taste combination can be applied to other candies as well? Skittles, same. Starburst, same. The red ones are always the best. Green and yellow the worst. Guacamole falls into this category, even though it's not a candy, puke! I probably didn't even spell that right, but who cares. It's gross.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Artists 'Delete' Ads To Provoke Discussion. So these guys in Austria covered up all ads in a specific area with bright yellow fabric... to give you an idea of just how much advertising you are subjected too. It's part of a two week art piece, and pretty interesting if you ask me.

Remember those aisles at the grocery store that used to be all yellow? The generic food aisle... yea, it kinda reminds me of that.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Your all growns up, and your all growns up!

Click here for more pics....
My little bro graduated yesterday. From 8th grade. Off to high school next year, class of 2009. Boy, don't I feel old. 15 years difference between us... I will prolly have a cane at his high school graduation. Anyways, congrats James!